Biomechanics effects of kinesio taping for persons with PFPS during stair climbing (2008)

Chen PL, Hong WH, Lin CH, Chen WC

Publicatie jaar: 2008

The purpose of this study was to examine the biomechanical effects of kinesio taping for persons with patellofemoral pain syndrome during stair climbing.

Fifteen women diagnosed with PFPS by an experienced musculoskeletal physiotherapist were recruited and exclusion criteria were based on previous studies. Ten normal subjects were recruited as control group in this study. The ground reaction forces (GRFs) and the EMG activity timing and ratio of VMO and VL were calculated for no tape, placebo tape, and kinesio taping conditions for PFPS and control groups during ascending and descending stair.

The results showed there was significant difference between no tape and Kinesco tape conditions for PFP group during descending stair (p<0.05). And there was significant difference between no tape and Kinesco taping conditions for PFP group (p<0.05).

The results showed Kinesio taping can reduce pain and improve the ratio of VMO/VL for the mechanism of patellar stability.

Referenties: IFMBE Proceedings